[ St. Louis, MO ]

Selam all!

From: Ethiopian Community Assoc. of Missouri (ECAM)

The Adwa V\Celebration in St. Louis, MO went well as planned, and we commend our brothers & sisters in Michigan & other Cities for job well done.

The celebration was on March 2nd, '96@Washington University from 6PM-8PM, and started with the opening statement from Mr. Zewdu Lakew (EPDUM, President), followed by one minute silence.

The educational discussion was conducted as follows;

Moderator: Dr. Early, Black studies@Washington University

Dr. Bell Economics Prof.@Harris-Stowe College, stressed economics was the main reason of European aggression towards Africa, and Mr Gedlu Metaferia, (ECAM Director) discussed King Minilike the 2nd's role in uniting the people. Finally; Mr. Hassen Rehametoo, (History AAU) highlighted the women's' role in The Battle Of Adwa, and the celebration ended with Q & A session.

For more info: Mr. Zewdu Lakew 314\367-4014(O)
Mr. Gedlu Metaferia@ECAM314\776-7464(O), 776-0401(fax)
Oh! sorry I didn't post this sooner; Right after the celebrations, I was away for spring break.


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