IV. Dams and Reservoirs on the Abay (Nile)
Source (Encyclopedia Brittanica: Nile River)


Zifta, Asyut, Isna, Naj'Hammadi Diversion Dams, Aswan First Dam
In 1843 work begun on diversion dams (barrages or weirs) across the Nile at the head of the delta about 12 miles downstream from Cairo, so as to raise the level of water upstream to supply the irrigation canals and to regulate navigation. The work was not completed until 1861, after which it was extended and improved it was the beginning of modern irrigation dam building in the Nile valley. The Zifta dam, on the Damietta branch of the Nile, was added in 1901. In 1902 the Asyut , 200 miles upstream from Cairo, in 1909 the Isna 160 miles above Asyut, and in 1930 the Naj' Hammadi, 150 miles above Asyut were completed.
Construction on the first Aswan Dam begun 3 years after Emperor Menelik's Defeat of the Italians at Adwa and ended in 1902; it has a series of four locks to allow navigation. The dam has twice been enlarged--first between 1908 and 1911 and again between 1929 and 1934, raising the water level and increasing the dam's capacity. It is also equipped with a hydroelectric plant with an installed power of more than 345 megawatts.

Aswan High Dam
The Aswan High Dam is located about 600 miles upstream from Cairo and 4 miles upstream from the first Aswan Dam. It is built at a place where the river is 1,800 feet wide and has steep banks of granite. The dam is designed to control the Nile water for the expansion of cultivation and for the generation of hydroelectric power and to provide protection downstream for both crops and population against unusually high floods. The work began in 1959 and was completed in 1970. The High Dam is 12,562 feet long at crest level and 3,280 feet wide at the base, with a height of 364 feet above the riverbed. It has a hydroelectric plant with an installed capacity of 2,100 megawatts. Lake Nasser stretches some 310 miles upstream from the dam site, extending 125 miles into The Sudan.
The principal objective behind the construction of the High Dam is to store sufficient water in the reservoir in order to protect Egypt from the dangers of a series of years of drought. An agreement concluded in 1959 between the two countries sets a maximum amount that can be drawn per year and apportions it in a ratio of three to one, with Egypt receiving the larger share. The quantities of water maintained and apportioned are based on the estimated worst possible sequence of flood and drought events over a period of 100 years; and generally, one-fourth of the total capacity of Lake Nasser is reserved as relief storage for the highest anticipated flood during such a period (called "century storage").
The High Dam was a source of considerable controversy during its construction, and since it began operation it has continued to have its critics. Opponents have charged that silt-free water flowing below the dam has caused erosion of the downstream barrages and bridge foundations; that the loss of silt downstream has caused coastal erosion in the delta; that the overall reduction in the flow of the Nile resulting from the construction of the dam has caused the inundation of the lower reaches of the river by saltwater from the Mediterranean Sea, with resulting deposition of salt in the delta soils; and that the creation of Lake Nasser has caused the water table along the river to rise, resulting in waterlogging and an increase in soil salinity in some areas. Already the fish population offshore of the delta has been reduced dramatically by the loss of the nutrient-laden silt. Proponents of the dam have maintained that these harmful effects are worth the security of dependable water and power supplies; and, indeed, Egypt would have suffered a severe water shortage in 1984-88 without the dam.

Sannar, Jabal Al Awliya, Khashm Al Qirbah, Ar Rusarys Dams
In The Sudan the Sannar Dam on the Blue Nile provides water for the Al-Jazirah plain at the time of year when the water level of the Blue Nile is low. It also produces hydroelectric power. Another dam, at Jabal al-Awliya' on the White Nile, was completed in 1937; it was built to increase the water available to Egypt during the period of low water (January to June) and was not intended to provide irrigation water for The Sudan. Other dams--including one on the Atbara at Khashm al-Qirbah (completed in 1964) and the Ar-Rusayris Dam on the Blue Nile (1966)--have enabled The Sudan to take maximum advantage of its allocation of waters from Lake Nasser.

Owens falls Dam
In Uganda, Lake Victoria was made into a reservoir by the completion in 1954 of the Owen Falls Dam; the dam is situated on the Victoria Nile just below the point where the lake waters flow into the river. This permits the storage of surplus water in high-flood years to meet the deficit in years when the waters are low. The fall from the lake is harnessed by a hydroelectric plant that provides power for industries in Uganda and Kenya.